Barbara Low- Wipfli

Barbara Low is a senior manager on the organizational performance team with over 25 years of experience in human resources and organizational development. Clients appreciate her genuine interest and investment in their organizations. Barbara understands the dynamics of successful organizations and assists clients in being more effective and efficient.

▪ Organizational and leadership development
▪ Role clarification and job evaluation
▪ Conflict resolution and employee relations
▪ Succession planning
▪ Talent planning and management
▪ Corporate education
▪ Performance management

Past experience
▪ Vice president of human resources at National Insurance Crime Bureau
▪ Corporate university director at Fifth Third Bank
▪ Director, human capital and strategy at RSM McGladrey
▪ Senior human resources consultant at Wipfli
▪ Adjunct professor

Professional memberships and activities
▪ Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) – Member
▪ International Society for Organization Development and Change
(ISODC) – Member