Risk and Compliance continue to be the focus of the industry – Regulators, Auditors, and (hopefully) your executive management team. Risk and Compliance management starts at the top and is each employee/vendor/customer’s responsibility. For this High-Performance Idea Exchange, we are going to draw upon your experiences with respect to what works to make an effective program. Topics will be kept current and will be drawn from:


  • Enterprise Risk Management – How does your organization create a Bank wide program?


  • Compliance Management – There is a lot more focus on not only what you are doing but why and how you are doing it. We will explore what that means.


  • Model Risk Management – Models have become a recent focus during the examination process. What does it mean to have effective Model Risk Management?


  • Your Issues and Successes – During the Exchange, we will take your issues and successes and discuss them. John will share withy you from his and his firm’s experience in working with financial institutions of various size and complexity.


At the end of the Idea Exchange, attendees will have ideas that they can implement, knowledge of what’s coming and a group of contacts they can talk to well after the program is over.