Practical ideas to deal with this challenging lending environment

Discussion topics: Spring 2019 Senior Lending Officer Affiliation Program

With tight margins, weak loan demand and increasing regulatory burden, Senior Lending Officers need innovative ways to boost loan volume and increase both interest income and non-interest income.

The Sheshunoff Senior Lending Officer Affiliation Program meetings focus on best practices you can employ in your organization to enhance lending revenues and efficiencies. During the High Performance Idea Exchange, you’ll hear first-hand what other lenders are doing to effectively price loans, manage risk, manage staff requirements efficiently, develop new business and other powerful takeaways.

Share your ideas and concerns with our experts and your peers

As a participant in the Senior Lending Officer Affiliation Program, you’ll have the opportunity to exchange ideas and proven techniques with your peers in a non-competitive environment and learn what’s working elsewhere in the industry. In 2 days you’ll receive advice, information and proven techniques from your peers and industry experts.